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DIY Vacuum Line Filter
1/8" NPT Bulkheads

Not affiliated with Foodsaver® in any way,
Protects vacuum pump from ingesting liquids and powders


5mm / division JB Weld Steel Epoxy
Surfaces sanded
and degreased
Coil wound on tube,
then twisted for extra clearance.
Better breathing

1/8" -27 NPT pipe tap is used to clean out threads after epoxy hardens.
Tap can also be used to "adjust" nut thread depth for proper tightness onto MNPT (tapered) fittings.
Use tap sparingly, enlarge nut threads only enough to compress O-Ring to "finger tightness".
Please treat these instructions as "general suggested guidelines" only.

for 1/8" NPT Bulkheads
Aluminum Stiffener Plate
5mm / division
Pilot holes shown
Drill with 7/16" Drill for 1/8" MNPT
Lightly deburr by hand, using counter sink & vice grip pliers..
Mark Lid holes using Stiffener Plate
as pattern. Center punch Lid
Drill pilot holes, then step drill
Carefully adjust using dremmel.to exactly match Stiffener Plate holes.
Very lightly deburr by hand, with counter sink. Sand inside holes smooth.

Note: As always, materials, methods and tools shown are suggested only.
Intended to demonstrate a concept or promote ideas and further discussion etc.



BM9043-01 BOM
for Vac Filter using 1/8" NPT Bulkheads

BM9043-01   Assembly BOM  for 1/8" NPT bulkhead version Filter
Item Distributor P/N Mnf P/N Description
1 Grainger.ca WWG36TV92 WINTERS PEM195LF  VACUUM GAUGE,2IN.,30IN. HG VAC TO 0, 1/8" MNPT
2 Fastenal.com 40173501 DynaFlo 69904  Hex Plug, 1/8" MNPT, Brass (optional)
3 Grainger.ca FAR101A FAIRVIEW 101A  Pipe Tee Forged,  1/8" FNPT, Brass
4 Grainger.ca FAR125-3A FAIRVIEW 125-3A  Hose barb, 3/16" MPIP x 1/8" MNPT, Brass
5 Grainger.ca FAR139-3A FAIRVIEW 139-3A  Hose Barb, 90 Elbow, 3/16" MPIP x  1/8" MNPT
6 Fastenal.com 40173301 DynaFlo 69950  Hex Nipple, 1/8" x 1/8" MNPT Brass 
7 Grainger.ca HBS568-012-90D HERCULES 568-012-90D  O-RING 012, 90 Duro BUNA 3/8 x 1/16,   0.375"  ID
8 bernardin.ca   Bernardin 060528013029  Wide mouth Snap Lids, 86 mm, drill & deburr
9     BTekbits BM9043-01SP  Stiffener Plate for 1/8" NPT, aluminum
11 homedepot.ca 01952 Cerro 1000169936  1/2"' Type M Straight Copper Pipe, cut, drill & deburr
12 homehardware.ca 8659-472 J-B Weld 8265SCAN  JB Weld, Steel Reinforced Epoxy Compound, 2 x 28 g
13          12 AWG Bare copper solid wire from 12/2 house wire
14     BTekbits BM9044-01  Filter Bag Duck Canvas, Fabricated DIY
15 jtsoutdoorfabrics.com FAB16-1016      12 oz Cotton Duck Canvas Untreated - Natural 60''
16 Grainger.ca WWG2EYV6 Grainger 2EYV6  Flat Stock, AL, 6061, 1/8 X 1 1/2 IN, 6 FT, stiffener plate
17 Grainger.ca SLA237022 E6000 237022  E6000 ADHESIVE MV CLR AUTO/IND 59.1ML F/E




FoodSaver® Vacuum pump
access Tubes
Extra tubes for external Filter. All Internal tubing replaced
with 1/4" OD PVC
Note added 3/16" Barb Tee.
To pinch tubing:
Heat then squeeze with pliers. 
Connecting both tubes with 3/16" barb gives normal operation.
No filter or gauge.
Grommets not shown.
Both  tubes to external filter.
Normal operation,
but with filter and vacuum gauge.
Vacuum pump is protected.
Chamber is bypassed.
Pressing "ON" button will never activate seal heater or reach automatic cutoff. User must deactivate "ON" button when optimum vacuum is attained.
My Preferred configuration
 for vacuum sealing jars.
On this model, does not turn on heater needlessly or use drip tray seals.
Pulls better vacuum.
Jar Sealer filter keeps particles out of tubes and both are easy to clean
and cheap to rebuild.

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& Jar Sealer Filter
Exterior Filter protects only the vacuum pump when sealing bags or using accessory hose etc.

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Uses unmodified or "factory" Foodsaver® unit.
External filter gets vacuum from accessory port. Filter is used only for jars or other external accessories.

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  Magic O-Ring !!  
FoodSaver® Wide Mouth Jar Sealers work well on almost all jars I have.
However, I have one type of jar which will not form a vacuum.

Rarely, I read online of others having "sealing problems" with the Wide Mouth Jar Sealers.
My problem jars have a glass 1" rings which are a bit smaller in OD than those which do seal.

A #151 Silicon O-Ring makes up the difference in OD. Sometimes, a bit of "fiddling" is necessary until they "catch"

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O-Ring #151 Silicon
This O-Ring also "fixes" an older vintage model Wide Mouth Jar Sealer i got at a yard sale... Good Price.
(More info for another video perhaps)
Without the O-Ring, it seals very few wide jar types.  With it, almost all?.



Foodsaver® Vac Filter Pump Hose Redirect Modification
Item Distributor P/N Mnf P/N Description
1 Fastenal.com 11120305 Auveco 12918  3/16" Barb Tube Nylon Tee Connector
2 homehardware.ca 8611-116 Canada Tubing SVEB20  Clear Vinyl Tubing  0.17" ID x 1/4" OD x 20'   65 PSI
3 Grainger.ca WWG3MRH2 Grainger 3MRH2  Grommet, Buna-N, 1/4" ID, 7/16" Panel Hole


Plumbing Standard 1/4" OD plastic tubing

1/4" OD PVC tubing (as shown below) is commonly available at hardware stores everywhere.
Food grade, fits commonly available brass 1/4" Tube plumbing fittings.
3/16" Brass and Nylon Barbs fit all three tubing types shown in this article.

3/16" Brass and Plastic barbs have an  ID large enough to give good air or vacuum flows.

1/4" OD PVC Tubing
fits 3/16" Brass Barbs
Tubing: 0.17" ID x .25" OD  



BM9044-01 Canvas Filter Bag  
12 oz Duck Canvas

Untreated 100% cotton
Reusable and washable.

Good for DIY vac filter bags.
5 mm / division    

To shrink new fabric:
Place Duck Canvas in boiling water
for 5 minutes or so. 
Let cool, rinse and dry flattened.
When dry, flatten and cut to size.
E6000 clear adhesive
Flexible and washable.
Other cloth types can be used.
BlueJean material shown above.


  Accessory Hose for Jar Sealer
Airline Tubing and detail
Standard Airline Tubing
5.6 mm (.220") OD
 x 3.6 mm (.144") ID
Fits into Foodsaver® Jar Sealer Port
(and other accessories?).

Needs a bit of stiffening
and an insertion "stop point".
Thus the 1/8" Nylon Barb.
DIY replacement
Foodsaver® accessory port hose
using Airline Tubing
(Jar Sealer side)
Airline Tubing fits
3/16" Brass and Nylon barbs
Vacuum pulls the Tubing / Barb assembly tighter
into the Jar Sealer Port.  
Forms a nice tight fit.
Soft plastic tube parts prevent damage to plastic accessory port holes.
Push barb into hose as shown.
Use flat end of drill bit or equiv.
Airline Tubing
& 1/8" Nylon Barb
Note: Tubing can be clamped onto barb using a twist tie or similar.
(clamp not shown)
Airline Tubing pkg Front
Used in aquariums etc.
Airline Tubing pkg Rear
Available at pet stores.
Airline Tubing and Foodsaver®
Accessory Port Hose both fit
3/16" Brass Barbs.
1 barb works OK,

Note:  The Airline Tubing / Barb arrangement above will not work at the FoodSaver® unit Accessory port.
The factory part has an extra piece pushing down to open it's internal valve.


Accessory Hose for Jar Sealer Port
Item Distributor P/N Mnf P/N Description
1 hagen.com 015561111300 Marina A1130   Airline tubing 2M  For rich oxygenated water  PVC
2 Fastenal.com 11120293 Auveco 10101  1/8" Nylon Barb, Tube Mender



DIY Vacuum Line Filter

6AZC0 Bulkheads
Protects vacuum pump from ingesting liquids and powders

    5 mm / division

BM9043-02 BOM
for Vac Filter using 6AZC0 Bulkheads

BM9043-02   Assembly BOM  for 6AZC0 bulkhead version Filter
Item Distributor P/N Mnf P/N Description
1 Grainger.ca WWG36TV92 WINTERS PEM195LF  VACUUM GAUGE,2IN.,30IN. HG VAC TO 0, 1/8" MNPT
2 Fastenal.com 40173501 DynaFlo 69904  Hex Plug, 1/8" MNPT, Brass (optional)
3 Grainger.ca FAR101A FAIRVIEW 101A  Pipe Tee Forged,  1/8" FNPT, Brass
4 Grainger.ca FAR125-3A FAIRVIEW 125-3A  Hose barb, 3/16" MPIP x 1/8" MNPT, Brass
5 Grainger.ca FAR139-3A FAIRVIEW 139-3A  Hose Barb, 90 Elbow, 3/16" MPIP x  1/8" MNPT
6 Grainger.ca GGM6AZC0 Grainger 6AZC0  ANCHOR BRASS COUPLING,1/8 IN,FNPT
7 Grainger.ca EBP41UK83 FABORY U38801.012.0056  O-RING,BUNA N,DASH 207,9/16" I.D.,PK25,  70 Duro
8 bernardin.ca   Bernardin 060528013029  Wide mouth Snap Lids, 86 mm, drill & deburr
9     BTekbits BM9043-02SP  Stiffener Plate for 6AZC0, aluminum
10 Grainger.ca FAR113A2-1/2 FAIRVIEW 113A2-1/2  FITTING PIPE 1/8" MNPT x 2-1/2" long
11 Grainger.ca FAR113A1-1/2 FAIRVIEW 113A1-1/2  FITTING PIPE 1/8" MNPT x 1-1/2" long, Drilled
12          12 AWG Bare copper solid wire from 12/2 house wire
13     BTekbits BM9044-01  Filter Bag Duck Canvas, Fabricated DIY
14 jtsoutdoorfabrics.com FAB16-1016      12 oz Cotton Duck Canvas Untreated - Natural 60''
15 Grainger.ca WWG2EYV6 Grainger 2EYV6  Flat Stock, AL, 6061, 1/8 X 1 1/2 IN, 6 FT, stiffener plate
16 Grainger.ca SLA237022 E6000 237022  E6000 ADHESIVE MV CLR AUTO/IND 59.1ML F/E


Wide Mouth Jar Sealer Filter
Filter keeps powders from contaminating vacuum tubing.
Easy to clean and replace.
Round clear spacer
cut from plastic bottle.
Stainless screen with JB Weld around edge eliminates sharp wires and holds it's shape.
Belt sanded to fit.
Degrease first !!
Shammy from dollar store.
Pre-shrink before cutting !!
O-Ring 222 is a tight fit,
holds everything in place.


Not affiliated with Foodsaver® in any way.

Also on BitChute & Kijiji

Information in this video and any associated data is intended for entertainment, education and reference only.
No claims for the accuracy of any of the reported, provided or calculated figures are being made.
Follow all Manufacturer safety instructions and guidelines.
If you try any of these procedures or use any information provided etc.
you do so entirely at your own risk, even if we are at fault and advised of such by writing.
Governed by the laws in Alberta Canada.
Etc. Etc.

  © 2021 Jean Pierre Lagasse  -  All rights reserved  
